Touchpoint - Sleep
This product can assist with calm and sleep, with health benefits associated.
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TouchPoints for Sleep help with the two most common sleep issues - difficulty falling asleep at night and going back to sleep after waking up at 2AM.
TouchPoints' proprietary neuroscience technology uses gentle, alternating micro-vibrations to get you back into calm, sleep mode in seconds.
Read more about the research here.
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Shortlisted as TIME's Best Invention of the Year! Sold out 6x this year.
If you have difficulty falling asleep, simply place your TouchPoints inside the included zippered sweatbands on your wrists or ankles 30 minutes before bedtime. When you begin feeling drowsy, turn your TouchPoints off and fall into a restful sleep. (It’s not a problem if you fall asleep with your TouchPoints on.) TouchPoints for Sleep have a built in 30 minute timer so you don't have to worry about turning them off once you fall into your restful night's sleep.
If you tend to wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, keep your TouchPoints charged and on your nightstand. When you wake up, simply choose your setting (most people prefer slow), insert your TouchPoints into the zippered bands and slide onto wrists or ankles.
Case studies show TouchPoints encourage sleep within 15 minutes and show an 80% reduction in wakefulness in the middle of the night. Learn more about using TouchPoints for Sleep.
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