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Product Details - more information

Relief Band
  • Relief Band

    This product can assist with preventing nausea, including migraines, chemotherapy, and postoperative recovery, with benefits to feeling better and general health.




    100% Natural, Fast-Acting & Long-Lasting Treatment of Nausea.

    Drug and Side Effect Free Clinically Proven Non-Drowsy




    Developed For Use In Hospitals… Our patented technology “Turns Off” feelings of nausea and vomiting, without drugs and without side effects!
    Patented, clinically proven & FDA-cleared technology gently stimulates the underside of the wrist.

    Uses include:

    • Anxiety
    • Migraines
    • Hangover
    • Morning Sickness
    • Chemotherapy
    • Post-Operative

    *as an adjunct to antiemetics

    These pulses travel through the nervous system to the part of the brain that controls nausea
    The brain then signals the stomach to reduce nausea providing relief

    • Buy Link

      For more information, or to visit the Provider, CLICK HERE.

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