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Ava Fertility Tracking
  • Ava Fertility Tracking

    Ava is a night-only wearable that helps women naturally track stress, fertility, pregnancy and overall health.


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    Ava Fertility tracks physiological signals that act as markers for your fluctuating hormone levels. This allows it to detect—not simply predict—which phase of the menstrual cycle you’re in.

    In addition to fertility tracking, Ava Fertility displays health parameters like temperature, sleep, physiological stress, and resting pulse rate—letting you know when you’re in the best place to make a baby.


    Visit the link above to see the science and approvals.

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      Be proactive about your health, predict and prevent problems or share with your health professional. What it does: Ava is a night-only wearable that helps women naturally track their cycles to understand more about their fertility, pregnancy and overall health.

      In addition to simple symptom, ovulation and period tracking, the wearable tracks and logs sleep, stress levels and resting heart rate, all within the Ava app.

      Industry impact: According a clinical study at the University Hospital of Zurich, Ava identified “an average of 5.3 fertile days per cycle with an accuracy of 89 percent.”

      •  More than temperature

        Let Ava get to know your cycle through 5 physiological signals.*

      •  Convenience

        Wear the bracelet at night, sync in the morning. Ava does the rest.

      •  Real-time data

        See your cycle phases and fertile window as they’re happening.

      •  More time to conceive

        Plan intercourse or insemination by knowing a full 5 fertile days.

      •  Backed by science

        Have confidence that Ava is clinically proven and peer reviewed.

      •  Not just fertility

        Track sleep, stress, and symptoms for an overview of your health.


      Whether you’re struggling to conceive or just starting on the journey to conception, Ava helps you achieve your baby goals faster than other methods.

      Properly timing intercourse can double a woman’s chances of conception,1 but as many as 75% of couples get that timing wrong.2 Why? Because the fertile window is more than ovulation day. It’s also the 5 days leading up to it, with peak fertility 2 to 3 days before ovulation.

      Ava is clinically proven to identify your unique 5-day fertile window as it’s happening—letting you know when you’re ready to conceive up to 4 days earlier than LH tests, and with 50% more precision than the calendar method used by typical period-tracker apps.3Go beyond ovulation. Take control of your cycle and make every fertile day count


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