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Health Tech: For the Top 16 Conditions - Asthma to Autism, Diabetes to Dementia, Sleep to Seizures

helloEd Team

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

Denis Waitley

It's 8 pm, and no doubt you've caught some of the news this week. It might have been around the latest breakthrough in space flight (SpaceX), the rise of ChatGPT, or maybe another breakthrough. Statistically this week also, most of us will have experienced a health challenge of our own, looked after someone else who did, meant to call their aging parents, or made the quiet resolution to get into better shape.

These (latter) events are the most human of experiences, impacting our emotional, physical, and often financial health. Anticipation of what happens next. Racing thoughts about what you can do to have a better outcome. Worry about yourself, your parents, or being up at night with your child. From Asthma to Autism. Dementia to Diabetes. Sleep to seizures - there's a lot now possible with health technology revolutionizing the way we care for ourselves and each other.

Before we get too far, there's an important distinction to make.

Health technology doesn't exist to remove people from the equation. It exists to bring us closer, with more care, wherever we are, earlier. Without it, there are simply things we can not do.

Health professionals will always be the specialists we turn to for help, treatment, and surgery. In addition, however, there's an increasing need to take a proactive (and collaborative) approach to our own health.

Home is where we stay well, prevent problems, notice symptoms and manage conditions. Home is where we take telehealth calls, exercise, learn, recover, and take care of those we love. Many of the health tech products we now have access to are the result of collaborations by doctors, researchers, and technology companies, with government and regulator approvals.

In the midst of these advancements, there are challenges to embracing health technology. Some are worried about quality or privacy, and others are confused about what's around, if it's good, and how to use it.

In this article, based on the experience and input of Health professionals, technology leaders, and a Psychologist, we explore the human side of what health-related technology is available for the most common health needs and conditions.

Following this list, keep reading for Why Health Technology is Gaining Momentum, a video from highly-respected Psychologist Peta Slocombe, on how to think about health technology when faced with a life event, or to see What We Do and How We Choose.

Let's see what's available.


Health Conditions and Health Tech Available

IMPORTANT: Please remember to always consult a health professional, take their advice, and do not consider these personal recommendations, or life-saving devices. These products are not matched to your specific needs or capabilities. Products may be left unworn, uncharged, unread, or alerts unattended. Wearables can not detect a heart attack. If you are concerned about a health condition or symptom, visit your doctor or emergency department.


1. Asthma & Respiratory

Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects the airways and causes difficulty breathing. Common symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Other breathing difficulties can be caused by a variety of conditions, including asthma, apnea, COPD, or heart disease.

Those with asthma may want help to manage the condition, monitor symptoms to prevent incidents, take prescribed Ventolin, or educate younger ones. Those managing other breathing concerns may want to measure blood oxygen, lung capacity, and respiration rate, or monitor apnea.

Types of health technology:

For more information, click on the images above, or see more Asthma & Respiratory products and fact sheets from the world's most reputable medical bodies.

2. Autism Spectrum

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects an individual's ability to communicate and interact socially. Common symptoms include difficulty with communication, repetitive behaviors, and challenges with social interaction.

People living with a diagnosis of the autism spectrum will likely want to consider the individual's traits, strengths, and needs relevant. We're all different, and a diagnosis of autism doesn't say much about an individual. Health, home, and assistive technology are available to assist with communication, routines and organization, health monitoring, learning, playing or working, or being found.

For more information, our article on Autism related technology has been read by thousands of people, and we endeavor to keep it updated.

Types of health-related technology include:

For more details, click on the images above, or see more Autism Spectrum products and fact sheets from the world's most reputable Associations.

3. Cardiovascular & Heart

Heart disease is a term that refers to several types of heart conditions that can affect your heart's function. Symptoms of heart disease may include chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, fatigue, and swollen feet or ankles.

Heart-related technology can help motivate fitness, prevent conditions, assist with early detection or help manage a condition. Capabilities include tracking heart rate, taking blood pressure, and taking an ECG/EKG to help detect irregular heart rate (Afib).

Devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and blood pressure monitors can provide data on heart health that can be shared with healthcare providers to improve diagnosis timelines and treatment.

Types of products include:

For more details, click on the images above, or see more Heart & Cardiovascular products and fact sheets from the world's most reputable medical sources. You can also read a dedicated article on top heart tech devices and how to test and share, here.

4. Dementia & Alzheimer's

Dementia is a group of brain disorders that cause memory loss, confusion, and problems with thinking and reasoning. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. There is an increasing prevalence of diagnosis, with roughly one occurring somewhere in the world, every 3.2 seconds.

From a human perspective, being diagnosed with dementia can be devasting for family and friends, but most importantly for the person diagnosed. For you (or for them, if it's someone close), you want to do everything possible to stay independent in the early stages, to keep being who you are and doing what you love.

Symptoms may include forgetfulness, difficulty with tasks, difficulty with language, and changes in mood and personality. There will be concerns about becoming lost or wandering, falling at home, or relating to security and safety. Most people with dementia will have co-existing health conditions (or 'co-moribities') such as cardiovascular issues or diabetes.

Health and home technology can be combined such as:

For more details, click on the images above, or see more Dementia & Alzheimer's products and fact sheets from the world's most reputable sources. You can also read a dedicated article on top heart tech devices and how to test and share.

5. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the body processes glucose. Common symptoms include high blood sugar levels, fatigue, and increased thirst. Health technology can provide glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and other devices that help individuals read, monitor and manage their blood sugar levels and medication.

Understanding blood sugar/glucose levels can help understand when to take medication, eat something, or when move around. It can help prevent hypo (low) or hyper (high) levels and prevent complications.

Health technology types include:

For more details, click on the images above, or see more Diabetes products and fact sheets from the world's most reputable medical bodies.

6. Family & General Health

Family health encompasses the health and wellness of family members, including parents, children, and extended family members. These types of devices are usually readily available in stores and pharmacies and can be considered a kind of digital first aid kit.

The use case might involve testing when someone in your family has a fever, cough, cold, another virus, condition, allergy, or injury. Understanding the vital signs can help give you insights, or support your decision-making during telehealth or as input to seek further assistance, such as during the night.

Types of devices that can be valuable to have on hand include:

For more information, click the pictures above. You can also see more products in the Family Health collection with key fact sheets from the world's most reputable sources, browse a Health Visual Story, or read this article.

7. Family Aging

Around 11% of the world's population is currently over 65 years of age. With generations more geographically spread out than ever, and more people living alone, you may be wondering how health technology can help you be closer, and support each other.

Technology can help:

For more details, click on the images above. You can also browse the interactive collection, or read our blog for more articles and stories.

8. Fitness

Fitness is a general term that refers to physical health and well-being. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, and is a basic building block of staying healthy mentally and physically and preventing incidents and conditions.

Health technology can help with fitness goals by tracking activity levels, heart rate, and other biometric data. Devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches can help users set goals, track progress, and receive feedback on their activity levels.

Health and fitness technologies include:

For more details, click on the images above, or view more fitness health tech products.

9. Pain, Joint & Musculoskeletal

Chronic pain is a common problem, though especially in older adults. Conditions associated with pain or joint problems may include arthritis, back pain, and osteoporosis.

Health technology may be of assistance in addition to health provider treatment and exercise, in terms of pain management, exercise technology, medication management, or maintaining weight and general fitness and activity.

Health-related technology includes:

For more details, click on the images above. You can also view more products available here.

10. Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement and is experienced by around 10 million people across the world.

The symptoms of Parkinson's disease include tremors, stiffness, slow movements, difficulty walking, and problems with balance and coordination.

Health technology may help people with Parkinson's disease manage their symptoms, with the opportunity to help track symptoms, movement, tremors, and gait - all to help improve and personalize treatment and medication. Telemedicine can also be used to provide remote consultations with healthcare professionals, which can be particularly helpful for patients who have difficulty traveling to appointments.

Health technology products of value may include:

For more details, click on the images above. You can also view more options and fact sheets from reputable medical bodies in the Parkinson's collection, or read our Parkinson's technology article.

11. Routines, Reminders & Medication

Physical or cognitive disabilities can impact daily routines, which can be important for independence and to remember to do what keeps you well. It can be hard to remember medical appointments or visiting carers, to remember family or life admin tasks due when dealing with stress, pain, or fatigue. In the case of cognitive challenges, it can be empowering, yet overlooked, to keep up to date with the day, date, weather, news, and milestones.

Health-related technology may include:

For more details, click on the images above. You can view more options in this interactive collection.

12. Sleep & Seizures

Sleep disorders can affect a person's ability to fall asleep or stay asleep and can lead to fatigue, irritability, apnea, and other health problems.

According to the National Institute of Health (USA) “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies,” says Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at NIH. “It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.” Research shows that lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, and infection as well as falls, accidents, cognitive impairment, confusion, and depression.

Seizures are a common problem for people with epilepsy. Symptoms may include convulsions. Seizures are sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain that can cause a range of symptoms, from convulsions to loss of consciousness.

Health technology can help people with sleep disorders in several ways. For example, wearable devices can track sleep patterns and provide feedback on how to improve sleep hygiene. Sleep apps can provide customized sleep routines and relaxation exercises. In addition, telemedicine can be used to provide remote consultations with sleep specialists, who can provide personalized treatment plans.

Health tech devices include:

For more details, click on the images above. You can view more options and fact sheets from the world's most reputable sources in this interactive Sleep & Seizures collection.

13. Stress and mental health

Being calm and relaxed are important aspects of overall health and well-being, and conversely, many people with a health need or chronic condition may experience anxiety.

It's important to note the basics of fresh air and time outdoors, the carer of people you love, help from a health professional, as well as exercising, healthy food, and sleep.

Health technology may also help people manage stress and mental health. For example:

For more details, click on the images above. You can view more of what's on the market in this interactive Stress & Mental Health collection, including viewing fact sheets from the most recognized authorities.

14. Traumatic Brain Injury or Stroke

Mobility impairment can refer to a wide range of conditions that affect a person's ability to move around, such as spinal cord injuries, stroke, or other injuries or conditions.

In these cases, most likely the person will be under the care of a team of specialists including doctors, allied health, and including home physio and rehab. At some stage, recovery will occur in the home setting, and there may be ways your health team agrees technology may assist with progress or daily living.

Types of health technology that may be of value or relevance, include:

For more details, click the images above. You can also visit the interactive collection and fact sheets here. Always consult your doctor or health specialist.

15. Loneliness & Isolation

Loneliness and isolation are common problems for all of us, regardless of generation. Older adults, especially those with mobility impairments or cognitive impairments, can have it particularly hard. There's a well-documented link between mental and emotional happiness and physical well-being.

Health technology can be a part of helping to combat loneliness by helping families to connect in person, and remotely, by making it easier to call, drop in, share news, and strengthen the bond across a family living away, grandchildren, cousins, etc.

More value can be offered by providing social engagement tools such as photos, videos, video, and group calls, and access to virtual reality experiences apps and devices that can help adults connect with others in their community, such as volunteer matching platforms and social networking apps.

Though being together in person as much as possible, sitting down for a chat, and being able to contribute in all directions to each other is the first priority, technology that may assist includes:

For more details, click the images above, see the interactive collection, or read a recent article.

16. Addiction

Addiction refers to a physical and psychological dependence on a substance or behavior that negatively impacts an individual's life. Addiction can manifest in different ways, including drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and behavioral addiction.

People managing addiction may want support from those closest or with similar experiences that overcome addiction. Health technology can provide digital tools and apps that help individuals manage their addiction and recovery, provide support through virtual support groups, and connect individuals with addiction specialists.

Types of digital health technology include:

For more information, click on the images above. You're welcome to Contact us if you'd like us to track and report more in this space.


Why Is Health Tech Gaining Momentum?

First, there's a steadily increasing scale of investment in the $billions, in health-related technology, with much of it led by doctors, researchers, nurses, and allied health professionals, working with technology founders and brands.

Second, we are increasingly confident with the technology, with 50% who own a fitness device buying it to track or manage a condition. (Source) The adoption of telehealth services has also increased significantly, with higher-than-expected satisfaction levels.

Third, there's a widespread recognition that new approaches are necessary. We're living longer with more chronic diseases and comorbidities, healthcare professionals simply can't work harder or care more, governments can't pay more, and families want ways to care for their loved ones. It's no one's fault - it's where we are.

Finally, Governments, medical institutions, and consumer tech brands have accelerated collaboration for accuracy, approvals, and integrations such as health tech into medical records. (Read more). Regulatory bodies like the FDA (US), NHS (UK), and TGA (Australia) approve the accuracy of hundreds of devices, with insurers offering rebates and subsidies for many.

In the years ahead, the goal continues to be preventative, predictive, and personalized care that's affordable, equitable, and more human than ever.


How To Think & Talk About Health Technology Possibilities

Here Peta Slocombe, a passionate and sought-after Psychologist, Speaker & Author, shares what happens when we're faced with a health event that's not of our choosing, how to think about the possibilities with health technology, and to approach the subject with those you love who might be reluctant to consider it.


About Us and How We Select Health Tech

We believe It’s time the world thought differently about what we’re all capable of at any age or health condition. HelloEd is dedicated to bringing together the world's best health, home, and assistive technology, to give people choices.

Our service is likely the world’s largest independent, curated collection of consumer health, home, and assistive technology. Our team is made up of professionals in medicine, health, psychology, and technology. We scan hundreds of mainstream, niche, and emerging providers and sources to help you discover what’s possible in one location, assess 10+ quality factors, and make it human.

We don't share your data or offer products of our own. For more information about our team, and story, see About Us, and What We Do. You're welcome to subscribe, share helloEd with your community, or tell us your stories and suggestions to help us get better.

Please remember to ALWAYS consult a health professional, take their advice, and do not consider these personal recommendations, or lifesaving devices. Products may be left unworn, uncharged, unread, or alerts unattended. Wearables can not detect a heart attack. If you are concerned about a health condition or symptom, visit your doctor or emergency department.


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