Kitchen and Living Spaces
These are the spaces to have a phone that's easy to use or a home hub that enables the family to drop in and say hello - for companionship or out of concern. Being a central space, you'll be able to set and get reminders, and ask the date, time and news as often as you like. "Call Jane". "Play music". "Play a game". "Add to my shopping list". Combined with a smart plug, you can control lights and appliances with your voice. Detect movement. Sensors for smoke and air quality can alert you to problems and notify your family or neighbors.
Products include home hubs, simplified phones, smoke alarms, smart plugs, and smart lights. These products are extremely reliable, work with a wide range of products, and can be set to work remotely. Tip: Leave a laminated page of example questions your loved one can ask, set it up with contacts or smart power plugs to voice control appliances, and show the family how to call into it.

Types of Products Available
Entry, Doors & Windows
Keep your family safe, help them out and get peace of mind that you'll know. Smart locks help with increased security, checking remotely if the door is locked, unlocking it for authorized visitors eg neighbors checking in or carers arriving, if keys are forgotten, or if family pops by without a key. The history enables you to monitor activity e.g. cleaners, carers, visitors, or exits at unusual times.
External security cameras can be wireless for easy installation, and have options for floodlights, sirens, and two-way talk. It will capture video and alert you to detect visitors or movement. No need to worry someone's left home and wandered, if they haven't.
Products include smart locks, cameras, sensors, lights, and video doorbells. These products are reliable and come with accessories like solar, long-life batteries, and apps to share with authorised family so everyone can help out.

Types of Products Available
Bedroom & Bathrooms
It's often at night, we worry the most. Be closer to those you care for and make life easier. A phone or hub next to the bed, without a camera, if you prefer, lets you call or talk with those closest for comfort or for help. Ask the news, date, appointments, and time. Set alarms and get reminders. Say "goodnight" and have it turn off the lights (with smart plugs) and send a message to family to say you're in bed. Detect movement. Sensor lights prevent falls by lighting the way if you need to get up. Check on health signs such as heart, apnea, oxygen or seizures. This can help with getting assistance, understanding sleep quality and diagnosis, when shared with your health professional.
Products include home hubs, medication reminders, sensor lights, sleep mats, and wearable devices.

Types of Products Available
Throughout the home
Throughout the home, beautifully designed, subtle devices can bring comfort and prevent mishaps. Movement detection let's family know you're moving about. Smoke alarms detect smoke and monitor carbon monoxide, sounding both an audible alarm and notifying family by call or message. Indoor cameras can help find out what's happening if you're worried. Sensors can detect and control taps and water leaks. Smart plugs can be added to any appliance to remotely switch it on or off, or by setting a schedule.

Types of Products Available
To Wear or Carry
The first place to start is to have a phone or personal alarm with you, in case you want to talk, get help, or need to be located. Specialist phones can be easier to hear and operate, including voice and visual prompts.
Personal alarms and wearables can detect falls, notify loved ones of wandering and monitor vital signs. Many products these days have good battery life, and sims that use mobile network connectivity so they work anywhere. When safety is a concern and as various health challenges progress, independent living may be helped with the use of tags to keep track of items that are easily lost.
Wearable health devices can assist to detect irregular health signs, for example, heart, seizures or oxygen levels..
These products may allow longer, more active time at home knowing there's a backup for all concerned.

Types of Products Available
Out & About
The ability to stay connected, be part of the community is foundational to well-being. Getting out keeps us active and therefore in better health, and empowers independence such as buying groceries and running errands.
Wearables can help track and motivate activity. Aids to walk, or mobile transport devices such as scooters, (electric) trikes, and lightweight foldable wheelchairs help with physical or mental well-being and travel. These aids can be practical, personalized, and fun. Combine them with personal alarms, fall detection, simplified phones, or location tracking, and worry less.

Types of Products Available
Monitoring Health
Easily placed by the bed, your favorite lounge room chair, or in an overnight bag, these products can be used by you, a family member, or a carer to test and track signs, sent alerts, and share with your medical professional. This may allow you to take better care of yourself, prevent incidents, or manage conditions. According to the World Health Organisation, 70% of chronic diseases are preventable. Signs that can be tracked, many with medical-grade quality, include sleep, heart rate, blood pressure and arrhythmia, breathing, oxygen levels, temperature, blood glucose levels, seizures, and weight.

Types of Products Available
Getting Outcomes
There’s no replacement for spending time with those we love. Technology will not replace the care, empathy, or laughter of being together; nor the care and experience of health professionals.
Talk about what's important
To begin, talk about what’s important and what you’re hoping to get help with. It may be that you want to stay home and reassure the family that they can check-in if needed. It may be wanting to exercise but being unsure of a condition, or recently out of the hospital. The goal is, to want what the technology gives you.
Find out what's possible
Find out what’s possible. Browse products and ideas together and see what might suit you. Discuss it with your family and health professional, for input and help.
Buy the products or devices you want to get started. When they arrive, set them up with chargers, and settings. For example the smoke alarm to alert family, cameras to detect movement outside during the night and alert a family member, the Google or Alexa home hub with the contact details for voice dialling, or a smartwatch to detect falls.
Bring your family and friends together to help with new routines
Bring your family and friends around you, and combine people and routines to bring the outcomes to life. For example, calling or dropping into the home hub around dinner time each day. Grandkids messaging grandparents on the new tablet. Family checking the app or alerts for movement detection in the morning.